Episode 15
Decoding the Soul Contract with Nicolas David Ngan
**If you would like to follow along with Nicolas' Soul Contract Decoding readings, please go to our YouTube Channel at: https://youtu.be/dmAbQ6Z04yg**
In this episode, Stacy and Sam speak with the incredibly insightful Nicolas David Ngan about decoding our Soul Contract and how to follow the path our soul has created for us.
Nicolas has worked for 25 years as a spiritual teacher. He is the cofounder and lead teacher at the Center for Conscious Ascension in Surrey, England, an organization that is dedicated to the development and implementation of cutting edge spiritual technologies for the raising of human consciousness. Nicolas is a world leader in the Soul Contract Reading work and #1 Amazon.com best-selling author of Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discovering the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology. He also has several #1-ranked shows on Gaiam TV. He offers individual Soul Contract Reading sessions to empower others to manifest their soul and divine purpose and deliver their own gifts of service to the world.
Nicolas’ website: https://centerforconsciousascension.net/
Find out how to transmute your karma into your Gifts Of Service with the Amazon #1 Bestselling book: https://www.yoursoulcontractdecoded.com/
https://www.soulcontractreader.com for generating your FREE Soul Contract chart
Links Nicolas David provides to Stacy and Sam: https://corexperience.com/ https://mankindproject.org/
Divine Healing Training: https://centerforconsciousascension.net/trainings_divineheal_cat.php?sr_no=2
Divine Healing Private Sessions: https://centerforconsciousascension.net/healing_service.php?sr_no=2
BTL website: https://www.bethelovepodcast.com/
BTL Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/bethelovepodcast
Heatherlyn's website: https://www.heatherlynmusic.com/