Episode 129
Healing Unhealed Trauma with Kelly Tallaksen
Stacy and Brenda talk with Author and and Hypnotist Kelly Tallaksen about trauma and healing. This is a beautiful conversation that will surely leaving you empowered on your healing journey
How does trauma get trapped in the body?
What keeps repressed memories below our awareness?
Why is it difficult for the body to let go of trapped trauma?
How does unhealed pain from childhood play out in our adult relationships?
Why is compassion necessary before true forgiveness can take place?
How can someone release trauma that is below conscious awareness?
How can we reach our most authentic self and find that deep love for ourselves?
What are some safe techniques to reach the deeper parts of the mind?
Kelly Tallaksen is a board-certified hypnotist under the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH), specializing in transpersonal hypnosis, an NGH hypnosis instructor and President of the Long Island NGH Chapter. Kelly teaches basic and advanced hypnosis courses and is a writer and lecturer on healing the shadow of the soul and reconnecting to our divine selves. Kelly is also trained in Holistic Psychology, Parts Healing & Integration, Age Regression, HeartMath™, Ancestral Healing, Past Life Regression, Lives Between Lives Spiritual Healing and the Ho’oponono. Kelly is the author of the published books “The Voiceless Soul” and “Healing Our Unhealed Parts” and has published articles with NaturalNews.com, PsychCentral.com, WakeUp-World.com, ElephantJournal.com and PreventDisease.com. In Kelly’s daily practice, she works with clients one on one to locate and heal unresolved emotional trauma from the past and guides her clients into a deep spiritual experience with their true divine selves to resolve the conflict between their true-self and their false-self created by the human experiences of fear.
This episode is sponsored by Tom Paladino at Scalar Light
Tom Paladino with Scalar Light. Sign up and receive your 30 day free scalar light healing at https://www.scalarlight.com. Listen to our interviews with Tom and the amazing benefits and healing potential in episodes #73, 78, 90 and 103.
Kelly Tallaksen's Links:
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Your Empowered Soul: A Natural Pathway to Healing Anxiety and Depression https://smile.amazon.com/dp/0578401851/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_Y764EDGHTVEKW7EV25H7--
Heatherlyn's website: https://www.heatherlynmusic.com
This episode was edited by Chelsea Weaver