google-site-verification=cldVc-NOZWuV64am2ffIX6AoQJs9ocM-VM8Xa4d3bwY The Alchemy of Becoming with Diane Fulford & Karen Diguer - Be the Love podcast

Episode 177

The Alchemy of Becoming with Diane Fulford & Karen Diguer

Stacy Musial and Brenda Carey talk to Diane Fulford & Karen Diguer about their book Alchemy of Becoming and how we can raise of consciousness to ascend humanity.

We discuss:

Karen and Diane's path of discovery and spiritual awakening

What is Alchemy

The How they connect with the Federation of Light

Healing through raising consciousness

How their work is supporting the bigger picture of healing the world and what his Macrovision is for the work that he does

Diane Fulford & Karen Diguer's bio

Diane and Karen have been close friends for many years who only recently understood their relationship as in the karmic tradition. Two ordinary people who were destined to do something extraordinary. They were gifted with what some would call channeled messages from higher dimensions, but what they prefer to depict as “interdimensional communication”.

It was not until each of them launched their children into independence and completed their careers, that first Diane, and then Karen started receiving messages from an unknown source. Unlike many whose similar gifts came from birth, or from a traumatic experience such as an NDE, their connection to higher guidance grew gradually until it was clear that they were to co-author a series of books providing a methodology that allows you to raise your level of consciousness. They both received messages about being “bridges” – between higher dimensions and our earthly plane, to lay out a clear path to higher consciousness for those ready, willing and open enough to commit themselves to the unknown.The first book in the series “The Alchemy of Becoming – Being of Truth” in 2021, and the second “The Alchemy of Becoming – Being of Love”

Diane Fulford & Karen Diguer link

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Brenda Carey's FREE video on Natural Energy Boosters: Fatigue Relief

Your Empowered Soul: A Natural Pathway to Healing Anxiety and Depression

Heatherlyn's website:

This episode was edited by Chelsea Weaver


About the Podcast

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Be the Love podcast
To Awaken Our Souls

About your hosts

Profile picture for Stacy Musial

Stacy Musial

Stacy Musial is on a mission to bring love to the world by assisting humanity to love themselves first, to transcend through the shadows and awaken their potential as sovereign beings. She is the author of Your Empowered Soul: A Natural Path to Heal Anxiety and Depression. She has been practicing psychotherapy for over 10 years and has a passion for diving deep into emotional wounds to heal and transform the energy behind the wound to bring light through for deep love.
Profile picture for Brenda Carey

Brenda Carey

Brenda is passionate about helping people Energetically align with their heart’s deepest desire. She is a Holistic Lifestyle Coach using the wisdom of Ayurveda, mindful yoga, meditation, Reiki and Energy Healing to co-create wholeness in the body, mind, and soul.

She is the owner of Sacred Path Healing Yoga & Reiki. She is the creator of the Inspired Living Holistic Lifestyle, an online transformational whole health program for women. A regular contributor on Insight Timer. When she's not on her yoga mat, you can find her hiking in the mountains with her family and rock climbing with friends.