google-site-verification=cldVc-NOZWuV64am2ffIX6AoQJs9ocM-VM8Xa4d3bwY Be the Love, Chakra, Yoga, Compassion, Nischala Joy Devi, The Namaste Effect - Be the Love podcast

Episode 21

The Namaste Effect, Deep Healing through the Chakras with Nischala Joy Devi

Stacy and Sam talk with the compassionate soul, Nischala Joy Devi about how we can heal our physical, mental and emotional trauma through our Chakras and how we can cultivate compassion for ourselves and others.

Nischala is a masterful teacher, healer and author. For many years she has been highly respected as an international advocate for her innovative way of expressing Yoga and its subtle uses for spiritual growth and complete healing. Originally trained in Western medicine, Nischala began to blend western medicine with Yoga and was graced to spend over 25 years as a monastic disciple and was also blessed with teachings from great Yoga masters in the US, India and worldwide. Through the books that she has written including, Healing Path of Yoga”, “The Namaste Effect, Expressing Universal Love through the Chakras”, “The Secret Power of Yoga”, “Healing Path of Yoga”, her Abundant WellBeing Audio Series, and being featured in the documentary Yogawoman, her dynamic delivery and deep inner conviction empower each individual, allowing the teachings to expand beyond boundaries and limitations of any one tradition enabling her to touch people’s hearts. 

Nischala's Links:


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Books: The Namaste Effect: Expressing Universal Love through the Chakras 

Meditation In The Yoga Tradition

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About the Podcast

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Be the Love podcast
Transcending through Shadows

About your hosts

Stacy Musial

Stacy Musial is on a mission to bring love to the world by assisting humanity to love themselves first, to transcend through the shadows and awaken their potential as sovereign beings. She is the author of Your Empowered Soul: A Natural Path to Heal Anxiety and Depression. She has been practicing psychotherapy for over 10 years and has a passion for diving deep into emotional wounds to heal and transform the energy behind the wound to bring light through for deep love.

Sam Fernandez

Hi! I'm Sam. Even though I am fairly new to exploring spiritual and energetic practices and frequencies on a conscious level, I have been a spiritual being almost my entire life. I am a male Empath and I am highly energetically and emotionally attuned and connected to Unci Maka, Gaia or Mother Earth and all of her creations. I have obtained several different beliefs from several different religions and ideologies which resonate with me. I am currently a Level 2 Reiki Practitioner and am studying Indigenous Plant Medicine of Central and South America. I am also a musician with 20+ years of experience and will soon study and go into the profession of sound healing. I am very excited and grateful to have this opportunity to co-host this amazing podcast and to talk to all the beautiful and ascending souls out there! I hope you enjoy!